John White, Governor
Roger Bailie, Assistant
Ananias Dare, Assistant
Christopher Cooper, Assistant
Thomas Stevens, Assistant
John Sampson, Assistant
Dyonis Harvie, Assistant
Roger Prat, Assistant
George Howe, Assistant
Nicholas Johnson
Thomas Warner
Anthony Cage
John Jones
John Tydway
Ambrose Viccars
Edmond English
Thomas Topan
Henry Berrye
Richard Berrye John Spendlove
John Hemmington
Thomas Butler
Edward Powell
John Burden
James Hynde
Thomas Ellis
William Browne
Michael Myllet
Thomas Smith
Richard Kemme
Thomas Harris
Richard Taverner
John Earnest
Henry Johnson
John Starte
Richard Darige
William Lucas
Arnold Archard
John Wright
William Dutton
Morris Allen
William Waters
Richard Arthur
John Chapman
William Clement
Robert Little
Hugh Tayler
Richard Wildye
Lewes Wotton
Michael Bishop
Henry Browne
Henry Rufoote
Richard Tomkins
Henry Dorrell
charles Florrie
Henry Mylton
Henry Payne
Thomas Harris
William Nicholes
Thomas Phevens
John Borden
Thomas Scot
William Willes
John Brooke
Cutbert White
John Bright
Clement Tayler
William Sole
John Cotsmur
Humfrey Newton
Thomas Colman
Thomas Gramme
Marke Bennet
John Gibbes
John Stilman
Robert Wilkinson
Peter Little
John Wyles
Brian Wyles
George Martyn
Hugh Pattenson
Martyn Sutton
John Farre
John Bridger
Griffen Jones
Richard Shaberdge
James Lasie
John Cheven
Thomas Hewet
William Berde
Elyoner Dare
Margery Harvie
Agnes Wood
Wenefrid Powell
Joyce Archard
Jane Jones
Elizabaeth Glane
Jane Pierce
Audry Tappan
Alis Chapman
Emme Merrimoth
------ Colman
Margaret Lawrence
Joan Warren
Jane Mannering
Rose Payne
Elizabeth Viccars
boys & children
John Sampson
Robert Ellis
Ambrose Viccars
Thamas Archard
Thomas Humfrey
Thomas Smart
George Howe
John Prat
William Wythers
born in Virginia:
Virginia Dare
---- Harvye


Simon Fernando, Assistant
John Nichols, Assistant
William Fullwood, Assistant
James Plat, Assistant
Humfrey Dimmocke, Assistant


Sir Walter Ralegh
Thomas Smith
William Sanderson
Walter Bayly
William Gamage
Edmund Nevil
Thomas Harding
Walter Marler
Thomas Martin
Gabriel Harris
William George
William Stone
Henry Fleetewood
John Gerrard
Robert Macklyn
Richard Hakluyt
Thomas Hoode
Thomas Wade
Richard Wright
Edmund Walden


John White, Governor
Captain William Lane
Captain Joseph Harris, of the Conclude
Captain Abraham Cocke, of Limehouse, Captain of Harry & John, Admiral
Ralph Skinner, masters mate (X)*
Edward Kelly (X)*
Thomas Bevis (X)*
Hance the surgion (X)*
Edward Kelborne (X)*
Robert Colman (X)*
Captain Christopher Newport, of Limehouse, Captain of the Little John of London
John Bedford, of Dartmouth, Master of the Moonlight
Robert Hallet, Captain of the prize Buen Jesus
Thomas Middleton
James Bagge
Nicholas Glandvill,of Tavistock
John Facy, Captain of Elizabeth Glanville
John Rowe, Captain of Nicholas of Plymouth
William Finch, of Plymouth
Henry Cletherow, ironmonger
John Stokes, fishmonger
John Clerke, Sr.
John Clerke, Jr.
Hugh Middleton, goldsmith
Erasmus Harvye
Henry Millett, of Poole, seaman
John Taylor, of Hepitre near Exeter, seaman
Thoms Harding, of Newcastle, seaman
Henry Swanne, of Newcastle, mariner
Hugh Harding, of Plymouth, master of Conclude
William Cable
John Watts, owner of Harry & John
Wiliam Davell of Plymouth, seaman
Robert Hutton, of Limehouse, master of Harry & John
Michael Geere, of Limehouse, mariner, master of the John of London
William Lane, Captain of John Evangelist
Wylliam Brockbancke appraiser
Rogar Perrot grocer appraiser
George Bolles grocer appraiser
John Hyd grocer appraiser
Thomas Barbar appraiser
Richard Payntell appraiser
Wylliam Bygatte appraiser
Francisco Gomez of St. Domingo, purser of Good Jesus of Seville
Anthonio de Samora Carenio
Franciscus Marquino, interpreter
John de Vivia
Don John de Villa Rey
John de Viveta
Nicholas Gernandes
Petro Vasse Galliego of Liuxborne
Manuel Fernandez Correa, captain & owner of Buen Jesus William Sanderson
Edward Spicer, Captain of Moonlight Bedford, Master of Moonlight (X)*
Francisco Gomes
William Adams
Abraham Lofte, Lionel Balentine,
Richard Knotford
Thomas Gilbert
Henry Erlinge
William Cocke
John Davys
William Thorne
William Lane
John Gale
*(X) = died on voyage
Brian Cates Twitter
Text based on 'Roanoke Colonists' by William S. Powell. Edited and expanded by lebame houston, Wynne Dough and Deanna Potts